Here at Texan Gunite, we take check and or cash ( we prefer bank issued checks but do know that we report all hot checks to the Travis County Hot Check Divison and or the county the check came from) and are in the process of accepting credit cards in the near future (there will be a credit card price per yard that is different than cash or check price).
HOMEOWNERS: Make sure your Pool Builders pay all of their subcontractors! (most do a great job) Feel free to call us if you have any questions or doubts. We offer to provide a lien release to all our pool builders and homeowners if needed. Please know that your pool builder has agreed to the following agreement for all jobs, none are exempt:
Within 15 days (net15) after completion of the shooting project/job, payment in full must be delivered to P.O. Box 1334, Cedar Park, and Williamson County, Texas 78630, or in person, where the terms are performable in Travis County, Texas regardless of job site location (unless otherwise agreed upon or noted on the invoice). Payment late fee of $500* will be added on day 16 and interest accrues on late payment and amount owed at applicable maximum lawful rate; and collections, lawsuit and or mechanics lien will be filed in accordance of Texas Property Codes 28, 53, and 162. Enforcement of the Texas Trust Fund Act and Prompt Pay Act are applicable and TCCS rejects and excludes the Contingent Payment Statue. If collection referred to attorney, all legal and court fees and costs will become due and will be incurred by the builder. The estimated costs will be derived from the proposal and all waivers of the proposal apply.
* please see the gunite cost section for a better explanation of this fee